Pitstone Quarry Restoration
Our vision is to transform Pitstone Quarry into a beautiful place for people and nature, restoring the landscape of the Chiltern Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. We have developed plans in an exciting collaboration with the National Trust, who own and manage the neighbouring Ashridge Estate. The project would be delivered by Clark Contracting Limited who owns Pitstone Quarry and has been extracting chalk for over 20 years. Once the land has been restored it would be transferred to, and owned by the National Trust to look after forever. This collaboration seeks to provide a long-term legacy for nature and the local community.
The restoration would create rare and important habitats, maximise biodiversity, repair the damage caused by the mineral extraction on the landscape and provide an open space with footpaths for safe access across the parkland including to the lake for open water swimming.
The project will also create a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) for use by the local community. The objective is to relieve recreational pressure on the Chilterns Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation (SAC) which is being harmed by the amount of visitors to the site, including in the Ashridge Estate. Pitstone Quarry will provide alternative green space for visitors who would have otherwise used the SAC which is partly located in the National Trust Ashridge Estate.
This website presents our vision for the site. This consultation exercise provides the opportunity for the local community to provide their opinion which can be taken on board in the design before a planning application is made.
We would love to know what you think, please get in touch on our comments page.

Transforming a quarry

Restoring natural beauty

Enhancing biodiversity

Recreational use
for all
Clark Contracting Limited
We are a local company operating from Pitstone Quarry. Staff and the owners live within Buckinghamshire and the surrounding area.
Clark Contracting Limited provide minerals and waste services to the agricultural and development sectors. We own Pitstone Quarry and have been extracting chalk at the site for over 20 years.
Our website provides more information about our company